"What a difference a day makes"
With apologies to the late JD Salinger AND Dinah Washington, the end of remodel week 2 has truly certainly wrought many changes. I didn't get home on Monday until after dark and had to be at work early the next morning (dark again), so came from work home early on Tuesday afternoon to take some pixs. It was snowing lightly but that did not deter Jason & Company. The neatest piece of work on Monday was his careful threading of the scaffolding between the branches of the large tulip magnolia in the kitchen garden - not a branch was harmed! Wayne-across-the-alley told Steve that it looked as though we were building a bird house - hah! The birds should be so lucky! Steve and I both thought that, at this point, the addition looked a wee bit barn-like:

Took the next 2 pictures Thursday morning - the cat slide roof line on the west elevation is installed - this is the feature that truly marries this new addition to our Tudor gem...so that, finally, the original flat roof on the west elevation is no longer such an eyesore.

This pix was taken from my car in the alley Thursday morning:

The rest of these pixs were taken Saturday. What a difference the Tyvek makes - one can begin to see what the final structure will look like:

Some views of the inside - taken through the window in the existing study (to be removed as soon as addition is airtight).
Steve and I continued to have conversations about this south double window - which matches the double window on the west elevaction. It simply looked too big for that wall - so on Thursday we asked Jason if the window could be returned to Pella for a restocking charge and we could then order a single double-hung window to put in the eastside of that opening. This would make everything more proportionate as well as giving us some wall space to put furniture.

Alas, the window was custom, so no returns allowed. But, once again, Jason comes to the rescue! He thinks he can separate out the double windows so we can use just one of them.

LOVE the pictures. Alos love to watch the progress from our kitchen windows. Now with your addition and our addition, the back of Jeff's house looks dwarfed. Wonder when he will start on his???ha ha